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Join as a member

By joining the engineering union, you get a lot of different valuable benefits. All membership benefits and services of the association also belong to the pensioneris and student membership.

Membership of the association includes, for example:

  • Career Services

  • Salary advice

  • Employment counseling

  • Legal services

  • Collective agreements

  • Events and trainings

  • Insinöör magazine and magazine benefits

  • Leisure insurance package and discounts on self-taken Turva insurances.

  • Liability insurance (working life)

  • Discounts



The easiest way to become a member of the Engineering Student Union is through the online form here.



As the only professional organization, Insinööriopiskelijaliitto IOL ry only supervises the interests of those studying in technology and transport education programs at universities of applied sciences. By focusing on overseeing the interests of a specific training group, we know our members, are able to offer future technology experts customized services and support the member's professional growth. 

At the heart of the operation are 24 local associations and their hundreds of active students, so members can easily get in touch with the association at their own school.

As a member of the association, you get a lot of valuable benefits, from legal services to parties. We tell you more about these on the member benefits page

In addition to monitoring employment benefits, the union also offers a wide range of other benefits and services, e.g. career and salary advice, insurance, magazine benefits and discounts on various services.

We recommend that you also join the unemployment fund through the engineers' union already after getting your first summer job or internship. By doing this, you will have time to accumulate the working condition during your studies and you will be entitled to an earnings-related daily allowance after graduation, if a suitable engineering job cannot be found right away.

More information about the engineering student union saat from here.



Membership of the Engineering Student Union costs 30 euros for the first five years of membership. 

If your studies are delayed longer than that, you pay a membership fee of 30 euros/year until you graduate.



As a member of the Engineering Student Union, you already belong to the Engineering Union. After graduation, you must report your graduation with a change form and at the same time you will be transferred from the membership of the Engineering Student Union to a member of another member organization of the Engineering Union.

When you have joined as a member during your studies, after you graduate, you will receive a discount on Insinööriliito membership for the first 18 months without a separate discount application. The discount is 14 euros on the monthly membership fee. Don't forget to make a notification of completion.

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