Insinööri cap
The engineering cap, or more commonly known as impulaki, was devised in 1969 by Heikki Silván, an engineering student from Helsinki.
Members of the Engineers' Association receive discounts on engineer's caps, engineer's rings and badges. Student unions order caps for their members from Kimpa once a year before May Day, when you can get the cap at a cheaper price.
It is also possible to order the engineer's law itself through the pages of the Swedish Engineers' Association.
The price of the engineer's cap for a member is 99 euros, picked up and 106.90 mailedeuro. (For non-members, 144 euros for pickup and 151.90 euros for mail.)
Click here to order the engineering cap
Hat instructions
There are rules for using the engineer's cap, and the cap can only be used by those who have a license to use it. The practices related to the cap have been compiled into the cap guidelines, which are explained below.
Cap guidelines:
§ 1
The engineer's cap is a tassel cap, which consists of an octagonal purple velvet cover, a black velvet edge, a cap and a black silk tassel attached to the right side. The engineer's cap has a cockade in a black velvet border in the middle above the brim. The cockade is the gold-colored badge of the Finnish Engineers' Association with an oak leaf.
In the cockade of an engineer with a university degree or lower, the leaves are open at the top. In the cockade of an engineer YAMK graduate, the leaves are attached to each other at the top. The engineer's cap is the main badge of an engineer and an engineering student approved by the Finnish Engineers' Association.
§ 2
The right to use the Engineering Act is for those who have completed an engineering degree, those who are studying for an engineering degree, and others who have completed a university of applied sciences degree or are studying for a degree in the first ofrom the holiday of the academic year.
Section 3
An engineer's cap is used in engineer-like events. The cap must be worn like a hat in general. The cap may not be used contrary to good practice or handed over to a person who does not have the right to use the engineer's cap.
The cap is used for the occasion aon the head or on the left shoulder according to the dress, the tassel hanging from the back of the neck on the right shoulder.
Section 4
On the eve of Vapu reception, those with the right to use the engineering law can start celebrating May Day in the engineering law. On May Day eve, the engineer's cap may not be put on before 12:00.
Section 5
The Insinöoriliitto community can organize a legalization event for new legal holders.
§ 6
The owner of the engineer's law is responsible for his own law and the sanctions resulting from the use of the law.
Section 7
The partner of the owner of the lak who is in a permanent relationship can tie a knot as a sign of the relationship
into the tassel of his partner's engineer's cap.
Section 8
Anyone who repeatedly violates the regulations of the Engineer's Law shall have the tassel of the engineer's law removed and delivered with the name of the owner of the law to the central office of the Union of Engineers for safekeeping.
The right to remove the tassel belongs to the board members of the Engineers' Association and the Engineering Students' Association, as well as the presidents of the associations' member associations, subject to high discretion. The tassel remover must have grounds for repeated violation of the bylaws before the punishment is served. The cap's tassel must be removed by cutting the stitches that attach the tassel to the cap. The owner of the cap can ask for the tassel of his engineer's cap back with a written application addressed to the chairman of the Engineers' Association.